1st Aid-Emergencies

A quick reference for home, school, or office.

FlipperGuides has been the leading manufacturer of flip-up guides for over 30 years. Information is printed on both sides of coated cards attached to a sturdy plastic backing. Just “flip-up” the cards to find the information needed.

Organizations use the First Aid Flippers® and theDisaster Preparedness Flipper® as “ready-to-go” resources.

The First Aid Flippers®cover dozens of medical emergencies based on American Heart Association and American Red Cross guidlines.

The First Aid Flippers® come in three versions.

The Home Office version (CLP-911W) has magnets on the back so the First Aid Flipper ® can be placed on a refrigerator or file cabinet. The Travel version (911WJ) and the Pocket version (CLP-911WC) come with protective plastic pouches.

The Disaster Preparedness Flipper® (CLP-914W) is based on FEMA guidelines and covers emergencies, including:

Winter Storms • Fires • Chemical Spills • Hurricanes • Tornadoes • Floods • Heat Waves • Earthquakes

The top card of the Flippers® can be imprinted with your organization’s name and logo. If this is an option you would like to consider, we will provide guidelines and samples.

We specialize in manufacturing Custom Emergency Preparedness Flip-Guides. We will work with you to input your information into the flip-up format. We will provide samples of custom flip-guides we have manufactured for other organizations.

Also, some organizations use our Design-A-Flips for their emergency plans. You can insert your own security/crisis management cards into the plastic pockets or we can have the cards printed and inserted for you.